Saturday, May 23, 2009

Graduation from the Women's Certificate Program

Today, I graduated from the Women's Certificate Program at SEBTS (recently renamed Biblical Women's Institute) with an Advanced Certificate in Women's Studies.  I've been a part of this program since we've been here, and it has been a great opportunity for me to grow in my relationship with Christ and learn more about God's word.   The program is designed for women serving in their local churches or for wives of ministers-to-be.  The classes were only 6-7 weeks long (some more intense than others),  so it was more manageable for me than working on a Master's degree.   I am so thankful for this opportunity!  
The graduation ceremony began at 10am in Binkley Chapel.  It was very nice and Dr. Akin (Seminary's President) preached and presented the gospel.  It was wonderful to be a part of this type of graduation ceremony...very different from my high school and college graduation ceremonies.  I've posted some pictures from the day, above, but I still need to figure out how to rotate pictures :).   The ladies in the second picture were a part of the certificate program, too, so we had some of our classes together.
Yesterday evening, Caleb took me to Ted's Montana Grill to celebrate.  We both had delicious bison burgers and later, a milk shake.  Thank you, Caleb, for celebrating this special day with me!  I love you!


  1. congrats kimberly!! what a great accomplishment admist your already full plate!!

  2. So proud of you, girl!
    lots of hard work, and SO much growth-awesome! the Lord is SO good. i know your efforts honored Him greatly.
    we LOVE ted's, too! good call!

    in my experience with blogging the last several years, you can't rotate a picture in the blogger uploading process--you have to rotate it when you load it on your computer, or in your photo software--try that first. i always have to go back and do it for a picture i want to post that may not have gotten flipped in the uploading process...hope that helps you out at all. :)

  3. Thanks so much Stephanie! I really appreciate your help and encouragement!

  4. Congrats, Kimberly!! I'm so happy for you. I know being in those classes digging deep into the Word with other women was a blessing, but I bet you are glad to be finished. It was great to hear from you, and I'm glad all is well at the Holland home. Happy early anniversary!
